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Yarrow Garden

yarrow, russian sage, joe pye weed, prairie smoke, cedar, blue trap rock, blue stone steppers, blazing star, rattlesnake master, corten steel, basalt boulder, white cone flower, forsythia, asters

Completed/Beginning: 2021


A modernist home, set within Northeast, Minneapolis might look out of place alongside the traditional architecture of the neighborhood. We wanted to create a garden that stood out from it's neighbors traditional front lawns to match.


This garden is meant to balance a modernist and minimal design that exudes maximalism from the garden. Too often, these modernist home constructions are combined with clean front lawns with rigid watering schedules and rows of karl forester grasses.


The garden is not the after thought to the home, and the home is not the after thought to the garden. They should be thought of in as cohesive, ecologically mindful pieces of a whole. This garden presents the reality that you can have a unique, modernist architectural design as well as a lush native garden that accentuates that design and offers an ecologically positive and impactful space. 


We were thrilled to work on this project with the home owner and we're inspired to witness how they tend to the garden and bring continued care to the space.

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